Where / When Can I Start?
At any National Tae Kwon-Do training centre, simply by turning up and talking to the instructor. Check out the Timetable and Locations link page to find the class that’s right for you. If possible, try to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early, so that your instructor can fill out the necessary paperwork.
How much will it cost?
Fee Structure – Training Fees For all Students (No Contracts or Direct Debits)
then $15 Per Class All Ages (As you attend)
$70-00 Unlimited Training at any of the listed centres Per Calendar Month
In each and every class students receive professional personal and group tuition. At National Tae Kwon-Do to gain the most of your martial arts training it is highly recommended that students train twice or more each week (time permitting). If students choose to train for 2 or more lessons each week paying $70-00 per month will be a more viable fee structure for you. If you can only train once a week class fees are $15-00 each lesson. As you can see our prices are structured at a very reasonable rate. At National Tae Kwon-Do members are NOT asked to sign any expensive or binding long term fee contracts.
All it takes to get started is to come along, call or email us to set an appointment for your TWO WEEK OF FREE CLASSES. With no obligation.
Once satisfied and committed you can then move on to our mainstream GRADING program. This program requires a student to become a member of Australian National Tae Kwon-Do. As a member a student may then apply for a Grading Test upon selection. The Grading program consists of step by step tuition of specific techniques, patterns, kicks, strikes, sweeps, locks holds and a lot more exciting real life Self Defence strategies; so you or your child are then well on your way to obtaining your next belt colour in your Martial Arts journey while gaining fitness, suppleness and learning how to defend yourself or loved ones.
The cost of Lifetime Membership which includes your Grading uniform (Fold over embroided Jacket, Pants and White Belt), also a beginners welcoming booklet is $65
After experiencing our training methods at National Tae Kwon-Do all new students can move on at their own pace into our Beginners Introductory Special which includes Uniform and Life Time Membership $65
At National Tae Kwon-Do we offer a fitness and self defence regime designed to suit the specific needs of your group or organisation.
Gradings are conducted 4 times a year Australia Wide At a grading students demonstrate their level of skills – patterns, kicks, blocks etc that they have been taught in the various gym Branches. Upon completion, students receive their results at their next normal class. On advancement to new belt levels, student are taught more challenging and advanced techniques and patterns moving closer to achieving the dream of becoming one of the elite and highly respected 1st Degree Black Belts with National Tae Kwon-Do.
The structure and purpose of gradings ensures students are always learning new skills and tuning the old. Every 3 months a new challenge awaits students so they can strive to improve their art, better themselves, improve their health, feel confident and ready to take on anything life may throw at them.
All of our classes are barefoot. Our classes are non-contact. You don’t need any martial arts experience to start. We have men, women and children from many different walks of life, fitness levels and ages training with us. You will get a great workout, and will burn more calories than aerobics. Most importantly, you will have fun!
You need to bring yourself, some comfortable clothes (t-shirt, shorts or trackpants etc.), a towel and a bottle of water to any of our classes. Even bring along a friend to train alongside you if you wish.
Talk to the Instructor, who will set you up with a training card and your Two week free trial.
For the next 2 weeks, train at any National Tae Kwon-Do Gold Coast training centre for free.
After your week free trial, you are welcome to continue for $15 per class (pay as you train), or you can pay by the calendar month for the low price of $70, which entitles you to train as many times as you want at any of our 16 training centres on the Gold Coast within that calendar month.
When you are ready to become a member, see any of our friendly Instructors or assistants, who will help you fill out the National Tae Kwon-Do Membership Forms, and measure you up for your National Tae Kwon-Do uniform and optional training shirt.
As often as you’d like. We would recommend you at least train once to twice a week as a beginner, but many of our members choose to train as much as possible. It’s positively addictive!
Children have different self defence needs to teens and adults. For this reason, we run specialised children classes, as well as teen and adult classes. Children up to 10 years of age train in the children’s class, and 10 years and older train in the Teen/Adults class. In class, you will often be partnered with someone of similar size and ability to yourself.
Yes, in fact we encourage it! A familiar face such as a family member, friend or work colleague training with you can motivate you to stay the course and reach your personal goals.
Phone or Text Master Instructor Gavin on 0423 349 742. We are more than happy to answer all of your questions and to book you in for your Two week of free classes.
Taekwondo Training Gold Coast
Are you looking to learn Taekwondo? National Tae Kwon Do is here to help you on your journey!
Teen / Adult Classes: 11+ Years Old

Our curriculum was created to give you or your children an exciting, enjoyable program that will help maximise physical, self-defence skills and mental development.